I am going through it right now. God is working in my and stretching me like never before. I honestly want to take some Hybernole(SNL) and wake up in the spring and have all of this over and done with. My social life is shot, and I have two days a week to see my friends. If I didn't have the grace of God with me, I couldn't do this. I miss everything. The Church, my friend, co-workers, the food, and even cleaning. Gosh...
I feel like I am ready, but now God is really starting to show the core of who I am and it's crazy to see it. Being around being gives me energy. I never knew that. Relationships are the greatest thing to me...and I am having to learn how to redo them. I feel like the one person I want to talk to hates me and the people I need to talk to are more than faithful. People. It's crazy how God made us to need relationships, friendships, and deep friendships at that. I am learning through experience of why God isn't all I need. If I was to try and sit in my room all day for the next three weeks and talk to now one but God, I would come an insane man. Guaranteed. Even having people who are consistent. I love them but I don't know what it is about friends my age. I need them.
I feel like I am on an island...
screaming for anyone..
but not just anyone will do...
the one thing I want to find comfort in I can't.